Final Employee Evaluation Rating & Score

  • Each employee's final evaluation is the result of the combining or averaging of the two main components of the employee's: professional practices and student growth (with each component being weighted for the final evaluation): (Updated 9-24-16)

    1. Employee professional practice rating

    This rating is assessed with the Danielson framework as is applied via our Employee Appraisal Rubric through the observation/interaction process. The final appraisal scores are based on the last observation where a given component area was assessed.


    E3 - Instructional Professional Practice: Teacher, Instructional Specialist, Media Specialist, School Counselor, Therapeutic Specialist
    E3 Rubric (observations/artifacts) PDP: Professional Development Plan Surveys (NA) Student Growth Total
    65% 2% NA 33% 100%


    ESPE - Educational Support Personnel Professional Practice: Educational Support Contact Personnel
    EPE Rubric (observations/artifacts) PDP: Professional Development Plan Surveys (NA) Student Growth Total
    100% NA NA NA 100%


    EPE - Escambia Professional Evaluation Professional Practice: Professional Contact Personnel
    EPE Rubric (observations/artifacts) Including PDP: Plan for Deliberate Practice PDP: Professional Development Plan Surveys (Employee Engagement & Support Report Card) Student Growth Total
    80% Included in the Professional Practice Rubric Scoring 10% 10% 100%


    ELA - Escambia Leaders Assessment Professional Practice: Curriculum & Instruction School-Based Administrator Contact Personnel
    ELA Rubric (observations/artifacts) Including PDP: Plan for Deliberate Practice PDP: Professional Development Plan Surveys (Parent Engagement & Employee Engagement) Student Growth Total
    57% Included in the Professional Practice Rubric Scoring 10% 33% 100%


    ELA-D - Escambia Leaders Assessment - District Professional Practice: Curriculum & Instruction District-Based Administrator Contact Personnel
    EPE Rubric (observations/artifacts) Including PDP: Plan for Deliberate Practice PDP: Professional Development Plan Surveys (Employee Engagement & Support Report Card) Student Growth Total
    60% Included in the Professional Practice Rubric Scoring 10% 30% 100%


    EAE - Escambia Administrator Evaluation Professional Practice: Human Resource, Operations & Finance Administrator Contact Personnel
    EPE Rubric (observations/artifacts) Including PDP: Plan for Deliberate Practice PDP: Professional Development Plan Surveys (Employee Engagement & Support Report Card) Student Growth Total
    60% Included in the Professional Practice Rubric Scoring 20% 20% 100%


    ELA-D - Escambia Leaders Assessment - District Professional Practice: Curriculum & Instruction District-Based Administrator Contact Personnel
    EPE Rubric (observations/artifacts) Including PDP: Plan for Deliberate Practice PDP: Professional Development Plan Surveys (Employee Engagement & Support Report Card) Student Growth Total
    60% Included in the Professional Practice Rubric Scoring 10% 30% 100%


    The scales and rules for maintaining a given effectiveness rating are as follows: (Updated 11-2-17)


    Professional Practice Rating: Raw Score:
    Highly Effective (4 points)
    No Unsatisfactory rating*
    94.5 and above
    Effective (3 points)
    No Unsatisfactory rating*
    77.5 - 94.4
    Needs Improvement / Developing (2 points)
    No Unsatisfactory rating*
    70.5 - 77.4
    Unsatisfactory (1 point)
    1 or more Unsatisfactory rating*
    0 - 70.4


    *If a teacher's final rating is rated Unsatisfactory in any component at the end of the school year, the overall evaluation preliminary rating will be Unsatisfactory.


    **If a teacher's evaluator is a STAR CT, and the teacher has five (5) or more components' final rating at Needs Improvement / Developing, the STAR CT will make a recommendation to the START Review Board to determine if the teacher is to be offered an annual contract for the next school year.(Updated 4-25-16)


    Professional Practice Rating: Raw Score:
    Highly Effective (4 points)
    No Unsatisfactory rating*
    94.5 and above
    Effective (3 points)
    No Unsatisfactory rating*
    77.5 - 94.4
    Needs Improvement / Developing (2 points)
    No Unsatisfactory rating*
    70.5 - 77.4
    Unsatisfactory (1 point)
    1 or more Unsatisfactory rating*
    0 - 70.4


    2. Student learning growth rating (Updated 10-05-21)

    Technical Assistance Paper: 2022-2023 Teacher Evaluation Process - Student Performance


    3. Overall effectiveness rating: (Updated 11-02-17)

    An educator's overall effectiveness rating is the average of the teo parts of the evaluation: the professional practices and student learning growth portions. For each portion of the evaluation, the rating achieved corresponds to a number (4, 3, 2, 1) that is used to calculate the sum total of the two halves of the evaluation, to yield a final, summative rating, as shown below:


    Evaluation Measures
      Highly Effective Effective NI / Dev Unsat.
    Employee Appraisal Framework 4 3 2 1
    PDP 4 3 2 1
    Student Growth 4 3 2 1
    Final Rating 3.5 - 4.0 2.5 - 3.49 1.5 - 2.49 1 - 1.49


    For example, an employee with a: (Updated 4-25-16)
    Highly Effective Employee Appraisal Framework Score (4 point) and a Highly Effective PDP Score, and an Effective Student Growth Score (3 points) would be calculated as follows:

    (4*0.65) + (4*0.02) + (3*0.33) = 3.67 points for a summative rating of Highly Effective


    Professional Practice - 65% PDP - 2% Student Growth - 33% Final Summative Rating - 100%
    4 x 0.65 = 2.60 4 x 0.02 = 0.08 3 x 0.33 = 0.99 3.67 = Highly Effective