- Suter Elementary School
- Library
Third through fifth graders from our school compete annually in the district's Battle of the Books. The questions for the competition come from this year's 3-5 SSYRA books.
Team selection information is in this letter. If your child is interested in competing, please fill in and return this form by January 30th. A copy was given to all 3rd-5th grade students.
Destiny - Search our library catalog
AR Quiz Search-Find out if a book is an AR book and what level
Home Connect-Get email alerts when your child takes an AR test. Email me your child's name and teacher.
Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary
Public Library Card Application
Want to see your child's AR score before they come home from school? You can with AR Home Connect. You can even see their progress on assessments like STAR Math and STAR Reading. Email me your child's name and teacher's name. I will send you directions on how to sign up!
The district is providing online resources for our students and families! You have access to all of them, but the two recommended databases are Kids InfoBits (elementary) and Research In Context (upper elementary/middle school). You will need a password to access the databases. The password is sunshine. The resource is also available through the Core with your child's login.
Besides being able to check out more books, the West Florida Public Library has amazing activities and reading programs. You can also access ebooks through Tumblebooks with your library card number!
Paula Stillman, Librarian
Joy Karasek, Media Clerk
Details for the 2024-2025 SSYRA 3rd-5th grade books are on this file! Third grade Battle of the Books students will only be quizzed on a portion of the books. These books will be noted on the detailed list once they are selected. Anyone who reads and takes a test on at least three of this year's SSYRA books will be able to vote in April!
SSYRA JR 2024-2025 Kindergarten-2nd

Library Access Information
*Media Release and Access Form
ECPS Novel Study Parent Letter
ECPS Parent Permission for Movies
Justification of Outside Media Form
Destiny Classroom Library Manager Link
See what is happening with our Library Advisory Committee!
Can you "Read the Rainbow"?
Read one book from each of our genre categories, pass the tests with a 70% or higher, and turn your sheet in for us to review. You will earn a bag of Skittles and be entered into a drawing for rainbow prizes and a gift card at the end of the year.