Global Learning Academy

Dedicated To Excellence

Fortify Florida
  • FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.

    Please follow This Link to submit a tip online, get the app, or search for "FortifyFL" in the Apple App or Google Play Store(s).

Principal Lalla Pierce & Assistant Principal Michel Henry-Slater

Principal Lalla Pierce & Assistant Principal Michel Henry-Slater
  • Global Learning Academy is a free, public Pre-K through fifth grade school with a focus on science, technology, and environmental awareness. Pensacola's downtown school serves individual learners with a mission to help all students become successful and responsible citizens in the world's diverse societies.

    • Completely staffed with fully certified teachers
    • Whole group & small group instruction
    • Hands-on & collaborative learning
    • Differentiated learning including full ESE services
    • Common Sense Media School
    • Positive Behavior Incentives and Support (PBIS) Model School
    • Florida Purple Star School of Distinction Designation--supporting military families
    • K-5 science lab--weekly lessons
    • K-5 greenhouse--weekly lessons
    • Principal's Excellent Explorers program
    • Leadership in Energy and Environmental (LEED) certified building
    • Top notch security
  • School Graphic and registration announcement graphic

    Global Learning Academy is registering students for the 2023-24 school year. Global Learning Academy is located in Downtown Pensacola and is fully staffed, with fully certified teachers, including over ten teachers working alongside classroom teachers to support students. Don't wait to register! We are open Monday - Friday, 7:00 - 2:30 for registration. More information: ECPS Registration

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  • GLA 2023-24 VPK classes are full. However, there are other VPK programs with space available. Please visit the ECPS Title 1 VPK Registration Site for more information. 

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  • Kennedy Center Arts Cohort Badge

    Many Global Learning Academy teachers participated in a Kennedy Center for the Arts Integration in Education 2-day training with guest artist Randy Barron. It was an exciting and enriching time of learning and imagining more ideas to further education for students at GLA!

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  • Purple Star CampusFL Purple Star Campus Logo

    The Purple Star School of Distinction Designation, established by the Florida Legislature (House Bill 429) and signed into law in June 2021, recognizes schools that support the unique needs of military families. Florida is committed to being the most military‐friendly state in the nation, and this program helps students as they relocate to new schools due to a parent’s change in duty station.  

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    In spring 2022, GLA became the first Escambia County Public Elementary School to achieve the Common Sense Media designation, "
    Global Learning Academy has demonstrated its commitment to taking a whole-community approach to preparing its students to think critically and use technology responsibly to learn, create, and participate while preparing them for the perils that exist in the online realm, such as plagiarism, loss of privacy, and cyberbullying. With the right support, kids can take ownership of their digital lives, engage with real issues, and change their communities for the better. The recognition acknowledges our school's commitment to creating a culture of digital citizenship."

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  • Florida PBIS Badge

    Once again, GLA has accomplished the tasks necessary to remain a PBIS Model School. "“Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based  /  three-tiered framework to improve and integrate all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day.” PBIS creates schools that support everyone – especially students with disabilities – for success." Center on PBIS, 2020

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Global Grownups Newsletter

  • The following link will be updated with news throughout the year. The newest information will always be at the top. 

    GLA News


    • 6:50: Doors open
    • 7:05: Car rider line closes
    • 7:10: Students in class
    • 7:11: Students are TARDY
    • 12:50: Checkouts END
    • 1:20: Dismissal begins
    • 1:30: Buses depart
    • 1:35: Car rider line closes
    • 1:40: Dismissal ends
  • Stay in the know with the Focus Parent Portal

  • Vision: The vision of the Global Learning Academy is to create a school where everyone who enters is exposed to other cultures, excited to learn and free to explore in a safe and encouraging environment. 

    Mission:  The mission of Global Learning Academy is to help students become successful and responsible citizens in our diverse societies.

  • Global Grownups,

    Our communications are shared in most of the following ways, almost every time we have schoolwide communication:

    • Paper flyers sent home with students
    • e-mails through Focus
    • call outs and texts through School Messenger
    • Facebook posts

    If you are not receiving information via call out, e-mail, and text, please contact the front office for a Student Information Verification Form so you can correct the data on the form.