


Degrees and Certifications:

Brandon Korinchak

AgriTech Instructor


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  • Agriculture Education

    The Agricultural Science and Technology education courses offered in Escambia County prepare students for employment and /or continuing education opportunities in agriculture through experiences in technical instructions in the classroom, experience program, and leadership and personal development through the FFA. 

    Courses offered are Agriscience Foundations, Agritechnology 1, and Agritechnology 2. 

    Agriscience Foundations

    This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of agricultural history and the global impact of agriculture; career opportunities; scientific and research concepts; biological and physical science principles; environmental principles; agriscience safety; principles of leadership; and agribusiness, employability, and human relations skills in agriscience. Laboratory-based activities are an integral part of this course. These include the safe use and application of appropriate technology, scientific testing and observation equipment.

    Agritechnology I

    This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of agriscience industry careers; prevention and treatment of livestock diseases; livestock anatomy; wholesale cuts of meat; animal reproduction and identification; animal safety; animal-health certification; plant growth; plant fertilization; safe use of pesticides; maintenance of tools and equipment; record keeping; and employability skills. 

    Agritechnology II

    This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of welding; small gasoline engine service and repair; preventative maintenance procedures; irrigation system repair; refrigeration; new and emerging technologies; financial management skills; and employability skills.


    Defining the Keys to FFA Success

    Premier Leadership

    Students learn how to present speeches in public, conduct meetings, and elect their own officers with supervision from their chapter advisors.

    Personal Growth

    FFA members help others and in the process learn more about themselves.

    Career Success

    Internships and hands-on programs give them professional experience early, for a head start in the workforce or college. 

FFA Breakfast