• Items Required to Register

    • Child's Birth Certificate
    • Yellow Health Form from Physician & Shot Record
    • Proof of Residence (copy of lease or utility bill)
    • Driver's License or Form of ID



    Spencer Bibbs Center

    2005 N. 6th Ave.

    Time:  8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.


    What do you need:  

    • Birth Certificate
    • Proof of Residence (utility bill or lease agreement)
    • Immunization Record
    • Physical
    • Proof of Income
    • Child's Insurance Card
    • Verified Child's Social Security Number

    Phone:  595-6915 ext. 224

    Chromebook Video

    Chromebook Contract


  • Boys & Girls Club After-School Program!

    The Boys & Girls after-school program will be held in our school cafeteria for all K - 5th grade students.

    After school till 6pm


     The program follows school day holidays

    If you are interested in applying for the program, please contact Mrs. Leslie Hunter-Huff at (850) 438-0996.

  • Student Morning Drop-Off Procedures

    • All students will begin entering the building through the north end doors in the front of the building.
    • All parents and adult visitors must enter through the main office doors to check-in with a proof of ID. No visitor badges can be created by the Raptor check-in system without proof of ID (even if Mrs. Jo knows you). The system has to scan the ID to produce the visitor pass.
    • Pre-K parents may pull up in the car rider line and drop students off and sign them in Ms. Buskey and Ms. Davis.


    If you have an address change, you must inform the school office and provide verification of an address change. Your child will not be able to ride the bus until we have the correct address in our system.

    K-5 School Uniform Requirements

    Tops: Shirts will be will be solid navy blue or white with a collar. Breast emblems may be no larger than 2”x 2”. Sports team or college logos will not be permitted. Pull-over sweat shirts or solid sweaters that are intended to be worn inside during the school day must also be navy blue or white and be worn over a uniform shirt or blouse. Allowable collars for shirts will be: scalloped, turtlenecks, mock turtlenecks, button downs, and plain traditional polo style shirts. Shirts can be short or long sleeved.


    Bottoms: Pants, skirts, shorts, skorts, or jumpers shall consist of colored Khaki or navy blueDenim pants may not be worn. Pants shall be worn properly fastened so that the waistband is not below the top of the hip bone.


    Outer Garments: The dress code shall not prohibit student from wearing coats, jackets, sweaters, or other appropriate outer garments. These sweaters or jackets may only be worn outside the building. All sweaters or jackets worn inside the school must be solid navy blue or white both inside and out.

    Car Rider Pick-Up!


    All cars in the car rider line will be required to have a Montclair Student Name Card in their car window in order to be able to pick up their children. If you allow someone other than yourself to pick up your child, they must be listed on the emergency blue card in the office or they will not be allowed to take your child(ren). We will provide each family with 5 Montclair Student Name Cards so they can pass out to the people on the emergency blue cards and they can keep in their cars for pick up time.


    Back Gate Arrival & Dismissal Change!

    During arrival, the back gate will be opened at 6:50am sharp and closed 7:15am sharp. Adults are not allowed to enter through this gate at any time and must enter through the front office doors for check-in. There will be no staff member to monitor gates in the mornings as we are limited on staff and they are needed in the front of the school where most of our students arrive. During dismissal, the back gate will be opened at 2:15pm and closed after all students are escorted out of the gate. No one may re-enter through this gate after it is locked.