• Behavior Services Contact Information

    Behavior Coach - Katie Dougherty  850-494-5700 ext 228  KDougherty@ecsdfl.us

    District Behavior Analyst - Amanda Mann  850-494-5700 ext 228  AMann@ecsdfl.us


    Escambia Westgate School's Schoolwide Expectations...



    Behavior Management Tips

    Praise positively affects both student and teacher behaviors and helps to create a motivated learning community.  Praise should be delivered in a pleasant tone and specific to what the child is doing right (at least 50 % of the time), such as, "I like the way you are sitting in your chair and focused on your work, Sarah.  Nice job!" Try to make four praise statements for every one reprimand (4:1 ratio) to enhance the positive classroom environment and increase both academic and behavioral outcomes.