• National Honor Society

         The Ernest Ward Middle School Honor Society is an organization that was formed from the previous National Junior Honor Society . Members of the Honor Society are chosen from deserving 7th and 8th graders after the first semester. Membership is based on qualifications that include leadership, character, and grades. To be invited to join, students must have at least a 3.5 GPA and recommendations from their teachers.

         The EW Honor Society provides refreshments for the annual Veterans Day program. It also donates money for service projects and helps purchase items around the school.

         New members are inducted in a candlelight ceremony every April.

    The 2023-2024 and 2022-2023 Honor Society has initiated the updating of our football stadium and buildings.

    District employees have begun diligently upgrading our concession stand.  It looks fantastic! We are looking forward to many more upgrades to come.


