• Voluntary Student Accident Insurance Program

    Each year the District provides parents with an economical option to purchase a student accident insurance
    policy to cover student accidents either at school or for a 24-hour/7 days/week coverage period (flyer with
    instructions on reverse side). To help minimize the parent’s exposure to out-of-pocket medical expenses
    (deductibles, co-payments etc.) from student accidental injuries both at school and even away from school,
    the District has competitively solicited a very affordable low-cost optional student accident insurance for
    parents to purchase. The basic plan is a low ONE-TIME, per child, per school year payment of ONLY
    $10.00 for the entire school year or $14.00 for the “enhanced plan”. This policy can provide valuable
    insurance coverage for parents that either do not have insurance or wish to supplement an existing medical
    insurance plan.

    This policy is secondary coverage for students who are already covered by a family policy but shall be
    primary coverage for the students who have no other insurance coverage. Parents purchasing the “at school”
    policy are covered while at school or while attending any curricular, co-curricular or other school function as
    a participant under school sponsorship and supervision; and while being transported by approved district
    transportation. The “24-hour” policy protects students 24 hours per day including the time spent in
    school or away and even on the weekends and the basic plan only cost $55.00 for the entire year, or
    $78.00 for the “enhanced plan”. The District recommends the purchase of this optional insurance at the
    beginning of each school year or when a new student enrolls during the year since the coverage ends July 31,
    2024 regardless of the date of enrollment.

    Additional Optional 24-hour Dental coverage plan ($5) and an In-Hospital Sickness coverage plan ($40)
    are also available for parents to purchase for a very affordable annual premium as shown.
    If you have a need to purchase primary coverage the following resources may be available to you:
    Florida Department of Children and Families 1-866-762-2237 www.myflfamilies.com
    Florida Healthy Kids 1-888-540-5437 www.healthykids.org
    Affordable Care Act 1-800-318-2596 www.healthcare.gov

    The School District is not responsible for medical expenses related to at-school accidental student
    injuries. If you wish for your child to participate in this plan you may enroll online at
    www.schoolinsuranceofflorida.com where you can select and pay for coverage as well as print your proof of
    coverage. You may access the application and schedule of benefits by visiting the website link. Additional
    information i.e. (schedule of benefit coverage, how to file claims, exclusions, etc....is also available via the
    School Insurance of Florida link. If you have any questions regarding the policy or claims, please contact the
    School Insurance Agency at (800) 432-6915.

    Kevin T. Windham
    Director of Risk Management