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  • Booker T. Washington High School

    2023-2024 Tardy Policy

    Tardy to School

    Students who arrive on campus after the 8:30 a.m. bell are considered tardy to school. Students who accrue two (2) or more unexcused tardies to school in a nine-week period will receive a minor disciplinary referral. Each additional unexcused tardy to school will occur an additional disciplinary referral. Consequences for each tardy are as follow:

    • Unexcused tardy #2- After school detention
    • Unexcused tardy #3- After school detention
    • Unexcused tardy #4- Saturday work detail
    • Unexcused tardy #5- One full day of In-School Solutions (ISS)
    • Unexcused tardy #6- One full day of In-School Solutions (ISS)


    Tardy to Classes throughout the School Day

    Students are expected to arrive at each class before the tardy bell rings. Teachers will mark a student tardy in FOCUS. A student who arrives tardy to class must present a district pass or check-in ticket to gain entry and will be marked tardy excused, “TE”, or tardy unexcused, “TU”, in FOCUS. A teacher may write a minor disciplinary referral when a student has arrived at class late without a pass and parental contact has been made. The teacher must note the number called and the dae of the call within the description of the disciplinary referral.