Mayor's Delegation
  • The Japanese Language Encore is designed to teach students how to read, write, and speak basic Japanese.  Students will learn through traditional writing and reading prompts, games, conversation, movies, and cultural engagements throughout their time in the course.  Learning a second language not only improves a student's cognitive and academic abilities, but it makes them more well-rounded and culturally knowledgeable in an ever increasing globalized environment.  This course is designed so that the participants will be able to communicate on a basic level through reading, writing, and spoken language

  • Required Materials




    Colored Pencils

    Indoor shoes (to change into every class)

    Graph Paper

    Notebook Paper

    Caligraphy Pen (Black or Blue)

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Junior Japan Bowl

  • The Junior-Japan Bowl is an academic competition held every year by the J-LEARN (Japanese Language Education Advocacy and Resource Network) that tests team's knowledge of Japanese language and culture from grades k-8.  Students in Japanese Encore have the opportunity to showcase their skills in a national competition to win not only prizes, but accolades to showcase their foreign language skills before entering high school!