The mission of the Game Simulation, and Animation Academy is to prepare graduates for an entry level position in the game software industry or continuation of their education in a college or university. Students will participate in a variety of software development roles across the game programming life cycle. The academy provides an overview in gaming math and physics, programming fundamentals, game design, art and graphics programming, and simulation and engine game design. Students who successfully complete the program may be eligible for Gold Seal/Bright Futures scholarships. 


    • Minimum of a "C" overall GPA
    • Disciplinary records must reflect no more than minimal of minor occurrences.
    • Upon acceptance, Students must maintain at least an annual 3.0 GPA in the core academy course requirements (courses that make up the core of the non-academic offerings for the academy focus) or achieve at least an overall 2.0 GPA. Failure to maintain the appropriate GPA at the end of the school year will result in the student being withdrawn from the academy and re-scheduled into non-academy classes for the following school year (for students whose residential school is the location of the academy), or the student being withdrawn from Tate High School and re-assigned to the high school in the appropriate residential zone.


    Application forms are available at your current school. Ask for the School Choice bubble sheet application. Any student may apply to attend the Game, Simulation and Animation Academy (regardless of whether or not they live within Tate's attendance zoning district). Deadline for applications varies each year. For more information refer to the Escambia County School District's School website or contact your school guidance department.


    Game and Simulation Foundations:

    This course is designed to provide an introduction to game and simulation concepts and careers, the impact game and simulation has on society and industry, and basic game/simulation design concepts such as rule design, play mechanics, and media integration. This course compares and contrasts games and simulations, key development methodologies and tools, careers, and industry-related information. This course also covers strategies, processes, and methods for conceptualizing a game or simulation application, storyboarding techniques, and development tools.

    Game and Simulation Design:

    This course covers fundamental principles of designing a game or a simulation application, in particular Human Computer Interface (HCI) principles, rules and strategies of play, conditional branching, design and development constraints, use of sound and animation, design tools, and implementation issues. The content includes market research, product design documentation, storyboarding, proposal development, and presentation of a project report. Emphasis is placed on the techniques needed to develop well-documented, structured game or simulation programs. Extensive use is made of evaluating and analyzing existing games or simulations.

    Game and Simulation 2D Graphic Development:

    This course is focused on students acquiring skills to create, refine, and integrate 2D graphics into a game or simulation product. Students will essentially learn how to use a graphic software package, file maintenance strategies, and migration techniques and issues.

    Game and Simulation 3D Graphic Animation:

    This course is focused on students acquiring skills to create, refine, and integrate realistic 3D graphics into a game or simulation product. Students will essentially learn how to use a 3D animation software package, file maintenance conventions, and migration techniques and issues.


    Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is the largest student business organization in the country with over 250,000 members.  In Florida, FBLA functions as an integral part of the instructional program of the business education program in secondary schools.

    The driving goal of FBLA is to train future business leaders to be contributing members of society.  Members benefit from leadership training, contacts made through networking, and opportunities to apply their knowledge through business-related activities.

    Goals of FBLA:

    • Develop competent, aggressive business leadership.
    • Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work.
    • Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise.
    • Encourage members in the development of individual projects which contribute to the improvement of home, business and community.
    • Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism.
    • Encourage and practice efficient money management.
    • Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty.
    • Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals.
    • Facilitate the transition from school to work.

    Visit the FBLA website for more information.  Learn more about the Florida chapter by visiting this website.


    Thomas Maher - Lead Instructor
    (850) 937-5585
    Email: tmaher1@ecsdfl.us 

    Laura Jennings
    (850) 937-5587
    Email: ljennings@ecsdfl.us