• Agricultural Education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resources systems.

    Through agricultural education, students are provided opportunities for leadership development, personal growth and career success. Agricultural education instruction is delivered through three major components:

    • Classroom/Laboratory instruction (contextual learning)

    • Supervised Agricultural Experience programs (work-based learning)

    • Student leadership organizations (National FFA Organization)

    Agriculture Food & Natural Resources Curriculum

    Agriscience Foundation I - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of agricultural history and the global impact of agriculture; career opportunities; scientific and research concepts; biological and physical science principles; environmental principles; agriscience safety; principles of leadership; and agribusiness, employability, and human relations skills in agriscience.  Laboratory-based activities are an integral part of this course.  These include the safe use and application of appropriate technology, scientific testing and observation equipment.

    Laboratory investigations that include scientific inquiry, research, measurement, problem solving, emerging technologies, tools and equipment, as well as, experimental quality, and safety procedures will be an integral part of this course. Students will interact with materials and primary sources of data or with secondary sources of data to observe and understand the natural world.  Students will develop an understanding of measurement error, and develop the skills to aggregate, interpret, and present the data and resulting conclusions. Equipment and supplies will be provided to enhance these hands-on experiences for students.  A minimum of 20% of classroom time will be dedicated to laboratory experiences.

    **Equally rigorous science courses are based upon levels of cognitive complexity of content specific benchmarks, depth and breadth of content focus, and required laboratory components.

    • Agriscience Foundations (8106810)


    Agritechnology 1 - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of agriscience industry careers; prevention and treatment of livestock diseases; livestock anatomy; wholesale cuts of meat; animal reproduction and identification; animal safety; animal-health certification; plant growth; plant fertilization; safe use of pesticides; maintenance of tools and equipment; record keeping; and employability skills.

    Agritechnology 2 - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of welding; small gasoline engine service and repair; preventative maintenance procedures; irrigation system repair; refrigeration; new and emerging technologies; financial management skills; and employability skills.


    Introductory Horticulture 2 - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of career opportunities; global importance of agriculture; plant classification; propagation; growing media; nutritional needs; fertilization; irrigation; pest identification; pest control, pruning; plant installation; transplanting; safe hand-tool use; and employability skills.

    Horticulture Science 3 - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of industry regulations; plant classification; plant transportation; soil sampling and analysis; fertilizer calculations; recording keeping; irrigation components, water quality; drainage; integrated pest management; pesticide safety and regulations; equipment calibration; chemical growth regulators; xeriscaping; integrated landscape management; safe use of power equipment; record keeping; and employability skills.

    Landscape and Turf Science 4 - This course is designed to further develop competencies in the areas of use and maintenance of landscape and turf equipment; classification of plants and turfgrass; fertilization; and irrigation.


    Technical Agriculture Operations 2 - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of safety; selection and use of tools; planning and building projects and construction of agricultural structures, including the use of electrical circuits, plumbing, concrete and masonry; and employability skills.

    Technical Agriculture Operations 3 - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of welding; small gasoline engine service and repair; preventative maintenance procedures; irrigation system repair; refrigeration; new and emerging technologies; financial management skills; and employability skills.

    Technical Agriculture Operations 4 - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of welding; small gasoline engine service and repair; preventative maintenance procedures; irrigation system repair; refrigeration; new and emerging technologies; financial management skills; and employability skills.


    Veterinary Assisting 1 - This course is designed to develop competencies in areas such as the history of the animal industry; applied scientific and technological concepts; safety; terminology; careers; breed identification; animal care and human relations skills.

    Veterinary Assisting 2 - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas such as basic first aid; scientific and technological; tools and equipment; breed identification; and functions of systems.

    Veterinary Assisting 3 - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas animal digestive systems; animal breeding; animal control; animal overpopulation; animal related laws; and breeds.

    Veterinary Assisting 4 - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of animal welfare and rights; research; record keeping; disease and parasites.

    Veterinary Assisting 5 - This course is designed to develop competencies in the areas of grooming, effects of captivity of exotics; genetics and biotechnology in reproduction; diagnostic and therapeutic testing; surgical preparation; and pharmacology.

    The National FFA Organization


    FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

    To accomplish its mission, FFA:

    • Develops competent and assertive agricultural leadership.
    • Increases awareness of the global and technological importance of agriculture and its contribution to our well-being.
    • Strengthens the confidence of agriculture students in themselves and their work.
    • Promotes the intelligent choice and establishment of an agricultural career.
    • Encourages achievement in supervised agricultural experience programs.
    • Encourages wise management of economic, environmental and human resources of the community.
    • Develops interpersonal skills in teamwork, communications, human relations and social interaction.
    • Builds character and promotes citizenship, volunteerism and patriotism.
    • Promotes cooperation and cooperative attitudes among all people.
    • Promotes healthy lifestyles.
    • Encourages excellence in scholarship


    FFA members conduct themselves at all times to be a credit to their organization, chapter, school, community and family. FFA members pledge to:

    1. Develop my potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.
    2. Make a positive difference in the lives of others.
    3. Dress neatly and appropriately for the occasion.
    4. Respect the rights of others and their property.
    5. Be courteous, honest and fair with others.
    6. Communicate in an appropriate, purposeful and positive manner.
    7. Demonstrate good sportsmanship by being modest in winning and generous in defeat.
    8. Make myself aware of FFA programs and activities and be an active participant.
    9. Conduct and value a supervised agricultural experience program.
    10. Strive to establish and enhance my skills through agricultural education in order to enter a successful career.
    11. Appreciate and promote diversity in our organization. 


    The National FFA Organization operates under a Federal Charter granted by the 81st Congress of the United States, and is an integral part of public instruction in agriculture. The U.S. Department of Education provides leadership and helps set direction for the FFA as a service to state and local agricultural education programs.

    Public Law 105-225

    In 1950, the 81st Congress of the United States, recognizing the importance of the FFA as an integral part of the program of vocational agriculture, granted a Federal Charter to the FFA. In 1998, the 105th Congress of the United States reviewed and passed technical amendments. This shows through the revisions as Public Law 105-225.

    Note: Public Law 105-225 is a revision of Public Law 81-740 which reflects technical changes. The essential elements of Public Law 105-225 have been reprinted here to provide local chapters with background information on the chartering of FFA through Congress. For legal purposes, the full text of the Law (including historical notes and reference to the Code) should be requested from the National FFA Advisor or refer to Title 36 of the United States Code