The Multimedia Academy is a technology based career education program. The mission is to prepare students for careers in mass media with an emphasis on television production and performance. Students will have opportunities to take industry certifications.

    Students in the TV Production program will have the opportunity to explore behind and in front of the camera activities. They will learn how to produce a live television programs as well as producing video productions for the school district, and other organizations. Students may also compete in local, state, and national video competitions.


    • Minimum of a "C" overall GPA
    • Disciplinary records must reflect no more than minimal of minor occurrences.
    • Upon acceptance, Students must maintain at least an annual 3.0 GPA in the core academy course requirements (courses that make up the core of the non-academic offerings for the academy focus) or achieve at least an overall 2.0 GPA. Failure to maintain the appropriate GPA at the end of the school year will result in the student being withdrawn from the academy and re-scheduled into non-academy classes for the following school year (for students whose residential school is the location of the academy), or the student being withdrawn from Tate High School and re-assigned to the high school in the appropriate residential zone.


    Application forms are available at your current school. Ask for the School Choice bubble sheet application. Any student may apply to attend the Multimedia Academy (regardless of whether or not they live within Tate's attendance zoning district). Deadline for applications varies each year. For more information refer to the Escambia County School District's School website or contact your school guidance department.


    TV Production 1:

    This course introduces the history of television, principles of lighting and audio, basic camera operation, script writing and editing. Course contents will include but not limited to the role of television in the mass media, pre-production concepts, advertising, television set planning, use and care of various television equipment, lighting techniques, principles of picture composition, and writing various broadcast scripts. Students will use Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator to create files to be used as digital backgrounds, advertisements, and approval to certify in Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator.

    TV Production 2:

    This course provides an intermediate study of aspects of television production. Course content will include but not be limited to use of the audio control system, character and special effects generators, ENG (electronic news gathering), EFP (electronic field production), routine use on equipment; writing, production commercials; and editing a variety of television programming including news programs, editorials, features, interviews, and commercials; and further career exploration including employability skills. Video editing using Adobe software products. Students will have opportunity to certify in  Adobe Premiere Pro & After Effects.

    TV Production 3:

    This course provides and advanced study of television production to include but not be limited to roles of the television production team, operation of sound/video equipment, script writing, and story boarding for production, graphics and editing techniques, direction and production of video projects, critical production of television productions as well as marketing and promotional techniques. Organization management techniques related to journalistic productions are stressed. The course also further develops leadership skills, asking students to demonstrate the ability to work in various settings, across diverse populations. Students who have not yet certified in the Adobe Suite will be expected to pursue the course sequence certifications.

    TV Production 4:

    This course builds on and adds to previously taken TV production courses. Students produce a live morning show and have jobs. The course requires students to show expertise in production of television programs, including knowledge of sound/video equipment, graphics and editing techniques, and TV coordinate a program direction. The course continues to build skill in critical analysis of television productions and marketing and promotional techniques. It also teaches students how to communicate with public, the consumer, and the artistic community about aesthetic questions and other matters. Students learn to analyze and describe jobs required in an industry workplace. Finally, they may have opportunities for industry certifications in the latest software, job shadowing opportunities, and internships. Students who have not yet certified in the Adobe Suite will be expected to pursue the course sequence certifications.


    Melissa Armstrong
    (850) 937-5482
    Email: marmstrong@ecsdfl.us