• Freshman


    WFHS Freshmen Summer Reading 2023

    Summer Reading: The Hobbit – J.R.R. Tolkien

      This year’s novel is an adventurous pick that takes students along the hero’s journey with the ever-so-clever Bilbo Baggins.  The Hobbit is a timeless piece that peaks the interest of almost any reader willing to delve into it.  Students will read closely and be prepared to academically discuss characterization, plot, figurative language, theme, and elements of an epic tale.  The protagonist journeys across vast lands, encounters dangerous creatures, and builds friendships that last a lifetime.  The motifs of the book include acceptance, determination, independence, open-mindedness, coming-of-age, self-confidence, and righteousness. 

     Please have the book The Hobbit read by the first day of school, as we have instruction built around the novel. The Hobbit is located at any bookstore or online.  It is recommended that the student have a physical copy of the book for taking annotations and notes while reading. However, a PDF link of the book is listed below for your use.

    The Hobbit
    Online Access: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TmNs_-3Em8XXnESVoG21fGLmtxnGEmOZ/view?pli=1

    If you have any questions/concerns, please contact Mr. Huntley at DHuntley@ecsdfl.us

    Please Note: All summer reading instructional materials were chosen by committee and followed the procedures and guidelines set forth by the Escambia County School District.


    Greetings and welcome to AP Human Geography! I am excited to have you in this course and I hope you are as well. Before the first day of class, you have an assignment to complete which will help you prepare for the expectations of this course and the amount of material that we need to cover. This is a college-level class, so the expectations are higher than a regular high school course.

    The assignment consists of six maps that need to be printed out and labeled. You can label some items with a single point, while others will require a larger mark, such as a line or circle. Each map has a list at the bottom that specifies everything that needs to be labeled on that map. Please note that you should not try to put everything that is listed on only one map.

    Please note that this assignment cannot be completed digitally. I recommend completing this on physical pieces of paper as this will help you retain the information that you need to know. You may use a pencil to label everything and colored pencils if it helps you mark the maps better, but this is not required. The only essential aspect of this assignment is to label the listed items correctly and in full. This assignment is meant to be a study aid for you to use, so take your time, mark things clearly, and make sure you can read what you have created. If you can't read your own writing, it may be difficult for me to read it as well.

    It is expected that you complete this assignment and have it ready to turn in on the first day of class. Please note that copying someone else's map is not acceptable and will result in point deductions. This assignment will be graded, and a minimum effort will not receive full credit. Missing multiple parts of the assignment will also result in a deduction of points.

    Accuracy is important, but I will have a reasonable amount of leniency with your delineations. For instance, labeling the Pacific Ocean as the Atlantic Ocean will result in a deduction of points.

    Please note that you will have a quiz on at least one of these maps. These maps are intended to be a study aid for more than one quiz at the beginning of the course.

    To assist you in completing this assignment, I have included two completed maps. You may use Google Maps, Google Images, or an Atlas to complete the remaining maps for this assignment. There are no resources that you are forbidden to use, but it is your responsibility to ensure that the map resource you are using is of good quality and accurately marks the items.
