Documentation:  Sophomores English II Summer Reading 2024-1.pdf



    Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel that was first published and is often regarded as perhaps the greatest work by American author Ray Bradbury.  The novel follows the journey of  Guy Montag.  Montag is a fireman in the unspecified future whose job is to burn any book upon discovery.  Readers will follow the protagonist as he rediscovers the importance of the written word and individual thought.

    Assignment: Students are to read the novel and annotate/take note of plot, character development, meaningful text that appeals to the student, and themes.  A formal assignment and assessments will be given to ALL 10th grade students the first week of school. 

    *Copies of the novel can be found at local bookstores, Amazon, and the local library.  A PDF is also available:

    Students can use an eReader if desired and follow along to the audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkFymT3u5w0



    AP Language Summer Reading 2024.pdf


    English III AP Language and Composition
    Summer Reading 2024

    Directions: Read both selections and be prepared to discuss and be assessed on the first day of class.


    Cyrano de Bergerac – Edmond Rostand

    Cyrano de Bergerac is a play about an eloquent, talented, and brave, but physically unappealing, man and his love for a beautiful woman, Roxane.  Cyrano de Bergerac is written not only as a comedy, but also as something of a satire of the overly romanticized literature of France in the 1600s. Therefore, the play is full of historical references to writers, royalty, philosophers, dramatists, and scientists of the time. Light-hearted in nature, this work is full of frivolous pomp and overblown dialogue. 




    The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Published in 1925, The Great Gatsby is set in New York City and Long Island during the Prohibition era. Author F. Scott Fitzgerald writes of Jay Gatsby, a young, rich man in love with a society girl from his past, who happens to be married to someone else. In the 1920s, easy money meant that many people could begin to dream of living out their days like Jay Gatsby, with life as just one grand party. Narrator Nick Carraway is both mesmerized and disgusted by Gatsby's extravagant lifestyle. The Great Gatsby exemplifies Fitzgerald's simultaneous embrace of and disdain for 1920s luxury. * Some mature language/ situations




    Please Note: All summer reading instructional materials were chosen by committee and followed the procedures and guidelines set forth by the Escambia County School District.



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