• Absentee Policy

    The following is an excerpt from the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. Please note that it is not necessary to call Caro Elementary School when a student is absent. It is necessary to send a note when the student returns.

    Absences from School
    1. Compulsory school attendance age applies to students between six (6) and eighteen(18) years of age.

    2. All students are expected to attend school each day except for reasons indicated under "Excusable Absence."

    Excusable Absence
    a. that which is caused by illness of pupil, serious illness or death in the family, or quarantine.

    b. that which has the sanction of both parents and school. This agreement must be made prior to absence.

    c. that which the principal deems excusable because of unusual circumstances.

    d. absence for religious holiday - must have prior notice of absence.

    3. Each absence must be explained. Parents or Guardians are responsible for providing written documentation of the reason for absence upon the students return to school. Failure to provide school with required documentation within three(3) days of the students return to school will result in the absences being recorded as an "Unexcused Absence." Notes should include the students first and last name, the date the student was absent, the reason for the absence, and the parent or legal guardians' signature.

    4. Absences related to illness or injury of the student shall be excused upon receiving written notification by the parent or guardian for absences of no more than five(5) consecutive days or a total of ten(10) days in a period of ninety (90) calendar days.

    5. Absences related to illness or injury of the student that exceed five (5) consecutive days or a total of ten (10) days in a period of ninety (90) calendar days shall require a physician's statement. The physician's statement should indicate the student is under his/her care and the dates (or period of time) the condition requires the student to be absent. Absences related to illness or injury that exceed the number of days described above and lack a physician's statement as required shall be recorded as "Unexcused Absences."
