Colony to Country

Stream Premise

  • The story of the United States of America is unlike any other the world has ever seen. By developing a deep understanding of the people that formed this great country, the technology that advanced it, its culture, and the events that shaped a nation, we can determine how best to write the next chapter of the American story.

Big Activity: The Hall of Presidents

  • Students will be tasked with “re-creating” the Hall of Presidents attraction located in Disney World by making it more informative about each individual president. Students will each be assigned a president that they will have to research, then write a speech detailing the legacy of their presidency.

Simulation: The American Story

  • Students will write and perform a show in the vein of the Broadway hit “Hamilton” based on our American Story.  This show will follow the American Story after the events of “Hamilton” and will include multiple performance styles, such as songs, raps, skits, etc.