- Escambia County Public Schools
- Physical Education
Health and Physical Education
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Our Mission
The mission of the Physical Education Program in Escambia County Public Schools is to provide students with opportunities to develop the skills, knowledge, motivation, and behaviors that promote the highest student achievement and a lifelong commitment to wellness centered on a healthy and physically active lifestyle.

ECPS Elementary schools offer a variety of programs based on location. Some programs include jogging clubs, dad's clubs, sports clubs, gardening clubs, and more at selected schools. Check with your site-based Physical Education teacher for additional information.
Elementary students are required to participate in a daily 20-minute recess.
1003.455, F.S., requires one semester of physical education each year for students in grades 6-8.
ECPS middle school students participate in PE every semester in grades 6-8 unless a waiver is filed.
Secondary Safe Shoes Memo (6th-12th)
Middle School PE Waiver Document
1003.4282, F.S., includes a one credit physical education requirement with the integration of health unless a waiver is filed.
ECPS high school students have a 1.0 credit PE requirement
* .5 credit Personal Fitness (state required)
* .5 credit elective PE course (state required)
Secondary Safe Shoes Memo (6th-12th)
High School PE Waiver Document
Personal Fitness Curriculum is in ECPS PE Shared Drive under High School folder
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Physical Education Program
The Elementary School Physical Education Program shall be guided by the Florida Department of Education Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and state mandates for Physical Education and Grades K-5 Benchmarks and the district's Elementary School Grade Level Physical Education Learner Expectations. Students in grades K - 5 shall have 150 minutes of physical education; the equivalent of two 30-minute physical education classes per week taught by certified physical education teachers. Elementary schools shall provide a daily 20-minute recess for all students.
The Middle School Physical Education Program shall be guided by the Florida Department of Education Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Physical Education. State statutes and School Board action allow grades 6-8 students to waive state and local physical education requirements as prescribed in the district's Middle School Physical Education Waivers technical assistance document. Students in grades 6 - 8 shall have scheduled physical education for the equivalent of one class period per day of physical education for one semester of each year, according to state mandates.
The High School Physical Education Program shall be guided by the Florida Department of Education Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Physical Education and Grades 9-12 Benchmarks and Course Descriptions. All students in grades 9-12 shall be required to successfully complete 1.0 credits in physical education consisting of the following two state-required physical education courses:
- .5 credit "Personal Fitness" course (state requirement)
- .5 credit physical education elective course (state requirement)
State statutes and School Board action allow high school students to waive state and local physical education requirements as prescribed in the district's High School Physical Education Waivers technical assistance document.
Resource Folder for All ECPS PE Teachers is Found in Google SHARED Drive! If you do not see this folder in your SHARED GDrive, please contact Subject Area Specialist for access.