Instructional Materials Adoption

  • 2024 - 2025 K-12 SCIENCE ADOPTION

    UPDATE 11/26/24

    Subject area committees have made K-12 Science Instructional Materials Adoption recommendations which will be presented for approval at the December 17, 2024, School Board meeting.  The public can view the rankings within the Committee Meeting Minutes as well as access these materials online on this webpage (linked in right-hand menu). Public comment on these materials can be made at any time, including the December 12, 2024, Regular School Board Workshop that begins at 1:00 pm or the December 17, 2024, Regular School Board Meeting that begins at 5:30 pm.  The Regular School Board Workshop and Regular School Board Meeting will take place at the J.E. Hall Center (located in room 160 at 30 E. Texar Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503).

    Per district policy and Florida Statute, a parent of a student enrolled in an Escambia County public school or a resident of Escambia County may contest the district school board’s adoption of a specific instructional material by filing a petition, using the “Motion to Contest the Adoption of an Instructional Material” form within 30 calendar days after the adoption by the School Board. The contest form can be found on in the right-hand menu on this webpage.  The full policy can be read in section po2522 of the Policy Manual of the District School Board.  

    Any person who decides to appeal any decision made at the meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, that individual may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. 

    If you are a person with a disability who needs an accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Request for such assistance must be made in writing, directed to the Superintendent of Schools, 75 North Pace Blvd., Pensacola, FL 32505. Such request must be received by the Superintendent of Schools at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting.  If you are hearing or voice impaired, call TDD 1-800-955-8771.

    UPDATE 9/17/24:

    Escambia County Public Schools is evaluating publisher samples of K-12 instructional
    materials. Teachers and community members are invited to view teacher and student sample
    materials and provide feedback at the following events:

    Science Committee Final Recommendation Meeting Schedule for Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at Spencer
    Bibbs (Room 102):

    12:45 pm - 1:45 pm - Elementary School K-5 

    1:45 pm- 2:45 pm - High School 9-12 Biology and 9-12 Anatomy & Physiology 

    2:45 pm-3:45 pm - High School 9-12 Chemistry and AP Chemistry 

    3:45 pm-4:45 pm - High School 9-12 Forensics, 9-12 Astronomy, 9-12 Physics and AP

    Science Committee Final Recommendation Meeting Schedule for Thursday, September 19, 2024 at Spencer
    Bibbs (Room 102):

    3:30 pm-4:30 pm - High School 9-12 Marine Science, 9-12 Environmental, AP Environmental, and AP Biology 

    4:30 pm-5:30 pm - Middle School 6-8 Comprehensive Science 

    Spencer Bibbs Center is located at 2005 N. 6th Ave. in Pensacola.


    UPDATE 8/5/24:

    Escambia County Public Schools is evaluating publisher samples of K-12 instructional materials. Teachers and community members are invited to view teacher and student sample materials and provide feedback at the following events:

    Science Committee Initial Ranking Meeting Schedule for Monday, August 5, 2024 at Spencer Bibbs (Room 102): 

    7:30 am - 8:45 am - Elementary School K-5 

    8:45 am- 10:00 am - Middle School 6-8 Comprehensive Science 

    10:00 am- 11:15 am - High School 9-12 Biology and 9-12 Anatomy & Physiology 

    Lunch break

    12:15 pm-1:30 pm - High School 9-12 Chemistry and AP Chemistry 

    1:30 pm-2:45 pm - High School 9-12 Forensics, 9-12 Astronomy, 9-12 Physics and AP Physics 

    2:45 pm-4:00 pm - High School 9-12 Marine Science, 9-12 Environmental, AP Environmental, and AP Biology 

    Spencer Bibbs Center is located at 2005 N. 6th Ave. in Pensacola.


    Community and Teacher Viewing and Input Events (various locations):

    Wednesday, August 7, 9:00 am - 11:30 am

    Molino Park Elementary

    899 Hwy 97

    Molino, FL 32577


    Thursday, September 12, 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm

    Navy Point Elementary

    1321 Patton Dr

    Pensacola, FL 32507


    Instructional Materials Adoption Process and Community Viewing Event:

    Tuesday, September 17, 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm

    Spencer Bibbs (Room 102)

    2005 N. 6th Ave

    Pensacola, FL 32503

    For questions regarding the Instructional Materials Process or access to the physical sample materials, please contact Bradley Vinson, Coordinator of Media Services, at 850-806-8302 or
    For questions regarding Science curriculum and instruction, please contact Cheyenna Novotny, Science Subject Area Specialist, at 850-469-5307 or
    ECPS is a closed district for instructional materials adoption. When the FLDOE begins the current adoption cycle, vendors may not communicate with ECPS employees about the prospective adoption materials.

    Course Listing:

    Grades K-5 Science (5020010, 5020020, 5020030, 5020040, 5020050, 5020060)

    Middle School:
    M/J Comprehensive Science 1 & Advanced (2002040, 2002050)
    M/J Comprehensive Science 2 & Advanced (2002070, 2002080)
    M/J Comprehensive Science 3 & Advanced (2002100, 2002110)

    High School:
    Anatomy & Physiology 1 & Honors (2000350, 2000360)
    Biology 1 & Honors (2000310, 2000320)
    Chemistry 1 & Honors (2003340, 2003350)

    Environmental Science & Honors (2001340, 2001341)
    Marine Science 1 and 2 & Honors (2002500, 2002520)
    Physics 1 & 2 & Honors (2003380, 2003390, 2003410)
    Astronomy Solar/Galactic & Honors (2001350, 2020910)

    Forensic Science (2002480)

    High School AP Courses:
    AP Biology (2000340)
    AP Chemistry (2003370)
    AP Environmental (2001380)
    AP Physics, 1 & 2 (2003421, 2003422)

    Submission Requirements:
    We ask that publishers complete the following steps by May 31, 2024:
    1. Submit the following documents in for each title via EdCredible:

    • Simplified list of the package you will present to Florida School Book Depository for the state adoption in Florida. The list should include itemized components and pricing, including the free-with-order list.
    • In the Documents Section of EdCredible provide the following:
      • If and how each title integrates with Canvas. Vendors must provide the One EdTech Certification URL Link for EACH Title.
      • If and how the products provide all assessments and assessment items in the Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) format supported by Mastery Connect. Vendors must provide sample QTI files for EACH title.
      • Implementation and Training Plan and Cost
      • 2023-2024 K-12 Science Specifications (PDF)
      • K-12 Nature of Science Correlation (Excel)
      • Core Questions Rubric (PDF)
      • Link to UDL Survey submitted to the state
      • Principles of Individual Freedom Assurance for Publisher (Form IM19) - for AP and IB courses only
      • Review the Draft MOU document and upload a signed copy of the agreement with any suggested changes
    • A digital link and online access instructions. Separate log-ins must be provided for teacher and public review

    3. Complete the following survey - This MUST be completed using the link below and NOT through Edcredible: 

    4. ECPS will schedule a required virtual meeting between the publisher and school district integrations teams. Meetings will take place May through July.
    Once all documents have been received and the integration meetings have been scheduled, publishers will be informed if they are invited to participate in the ECPS K-12 Science Adoption.

    ECPS K-12 Science Adoption Timeline
    Specific Dates will be added during the process.



    May 1, 2024

    Call for publisher information through EdCredible

    May 31, 2024

    Publisher submission deadline

    May through July 2024

    Publisher and ECPS integration team meetings; ECPS reviews submissions

    June 2024

    Publishers notified if invited to present

    July 2024

    Publisher presentations

    July and August 2024

    Committee evaluations

    September 2024

    Committees meet to choose top 2 or 3 titles for each course (open and noticed meetings on the Public Meetings Calendar; publishers are notified and send samples to each school; teacher and community input

    October 2024

    Committees meet to consider teacher and community input

    Committees meet to rank titles (open and noticed meetings on the Public Meetings Calendar)

    November 2024

    Committee decisions presented to ECPS Executive Leadership

    January 2025

    Recommendations submitted to ECPS School Board during a publicly noticed board meeting

    Publishers notified

    February 2025

    School enrollment projections

    MOUs presented to the ECPS school board

    March 2025

    Orders placed with FSBD

    Documentation updated

    Titles and barcodes added to Destiny

    April - June 2025

    Orders received; training and implementation of new materials

    Expectations and Guidelines:
    Escambia County Public Schools is a closed district.  During this process, please adhere to the following guidelines:
    Publishers or manufacturers of instructional materials who have submitted, or plan to submit within 18 months, instructional materials within a specific content area for consideration in the adoption process in the State of Florida or Escambia County Public Schools, may not:

    • Directly contact any teacher(s), including department heads, regarding their materials until after Escambia County makes its own official district adoption. (NOTE: The adoption becomes official only after it has been voted on by The School Board of Escambia County, Florida.);
    • Host dinners, retreats or parties of any kind for any teacher(s) or administrator(s) in Escambia County Public Schools to showcase their materials being considered for adoption, other than showcases that are required by the District and scheduled to take place on School District property with the option of refreshments being arranged through the Escambia County Schools Food Service Department, and limited to a cost of no more than $5.00 per person;
    • Offer gifts, gift certificates or other enticements (such as "freebies") to any teacher(s) or administrator(s) (or their schools) who attend an event such as is described in b. above.

    (The provisions in section 1 a., b., and c. would not prohibit teachers or administrators from participating in meetings of professional organizations where vendors may be a sponsor.)

    • All communication with schools, whether written or oral, regarding an adoption in Escambia County Public Schools must be handled through the Instructional Materials Manager, or designee.
    • Blanket sampling of schools prior to district adoption of materials is prohibited. Arrangements for distribution to schools of evaluation copies of materials recommended for teacher review and voting must be handled through the Instructional Materials Manager or designee.
    • Pilot programs of materials being considered for adoption during or outside the 18 months prior to their official adoption date of April 1st, are prohibited unless written authority is given by the Superintendent of Schools.
    • No member of the Escambia County Public Schools adoption committee may discuss matters relating to instructional materials submitted for adoption with any agent of a publisher or manufacturer of instructional materials, either directly or indirectly, except during the period when the committee shall have been called into session for the purpose of evaluating instructional materials submitted for adoption OR in a public presentation showcasing the materials as described in number 1.b. above. Such discussions shall be limited to official meetings of the committee or in a public presentation (on Escambia County Public Schools' property) showcasing the materials as described in number 1.b. above.

    No further notification will be sent to publishers; however, any agent of a publisher or manufacturer of instructional materials found in violation of these rules for the adoption process in Escambia County Public Schools may have their materials immediately disqualified from further consideration, absent extenuating circumstances.

    2023 - 2024 K-12 SOCIAL STUDIES ADOPTION

    UPDATE 1/16/2024:

    Subject area committees have made K-12 Social Studies Instructional Materials Adoption recommendations which will be presented for approval at the February 20, 2024, School Board meeting.  The public can view the rankings here: Selections Recommended for Social Studies Adoption. Public comment on these materials can be made at any time, including the February 15, 2024, Regular School Board Workshop that begins at 1:00 pm or the February 20, 2024, Regular School Board Meeting that begins at 5:30 pm.  The Regular School Board Workshop and Regular School Board Meeting will take place at the J.E. Hall Center (located in room 160 at 30 E. Texar Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503)

    Social Studies Textbook Adoption Feedback Form Links: After opening the document, click on the Google Form Link to provide feedback.

    ECPS will begin the adoption process for K-12 Social Studies March 1, 2023. Information regarding the adoption will be posted on this website.

    For questions regarding the Instructional Materials Process or access to the physical sample materials, please contact Bradley Vinson, Coordinator of Media Services, at 850-595-0030 ext. 290 or

    For questions regarding social studies curriculum and instruction, please contact Cherie Arnette, Social Studies Subject Area Specialist, at 850 469 5392 or

    ECPS is a closed district for instructional materials adoption. When the FLDOE begins the current adoption cycle, vendors may not communicate with ECPS employees about the prospective adoption materials.

  • Course Listing:


    Grades K-5 Social Studies (5021020, 5021030, 5021040, 5021050, 5021060, 5021070)

    Middle School:

    M/J United State History & Advanced (2100010, 2100020)

    M/J Civics and M/J Civics & Advanced (2106010, 2106020)

    M/J World History & Advanced (2109010, 2109020)

    High School:

    United States History & Honors (2100310, 2100320)

    African American History & Honors (2100340, 2100336)

    Economics & Honors (2102310, 2102320)

    Economics with Financial Literacy & Honors (2102335, 2102345)

    United States Government & Honors (2106310, 2106320)

    Psychology I and II (2107300, 2107310)

    Sociology (2108300) 

    World History & Honors (2109310, 2109320)

    High School AP Courses: 

    AP Human Geography (2103400)

    AP US Government and Politics (2106420)

    AP US History (2100330)

    AP Macroeconomics (2102370)

    AP Psyschology (2107350)

    AP World History: Modern (2109420)

    AP European History (2109380)


    Submission Requirements: 

    We ask that publishers complete the following steps by April 14, 2023:

    1. Submit the following documents in for each title via EdCredible:

    • Simplified list of the package you will present to Florida School Book Depository for the state adoption in Florida. The list should include itemized components and pricing, including the free-with-order list.

    • In the Documents Section of EdCredible provide the following:

      • If and how each title integrates with Canvas. Vendors must provide the One EdTech Certification URL Link for EACH Title.

      • If and how the products provide all assessments and assessment items in the Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) format supported by Schoolnet. Vendors must provide sample QTI files for EACH title.

      • Implementation and Training Plan and Cost

      • K-12 High School Civics and Government Requirements Correlation (Excel)

      • K-12 Integrated Civic Education Correlation (Excel)

      • K-12 Primary Source Documents Correlation (Excel)

      • Link to UDL Survey submitted to the state

      • Principles of Individual Freedom Assurance for Publisher (Form IM19) - for AP and IB courses only

      • Review the Draft MOU document and upload a signed copy of the agreement with any suggested changes

    • A digital link and online access instructions. Separate log-ins must be provided for teacher and public review

    3. Complete the following surveys - This MUST be completed using the link below and NOT through Edcredible: 

    4. ECPS will schedule a required virtual meeting between the publisher and school district integrations teams. Meetings will take place in April and May.

    Once all documents have been received and the integration meetings have been completed, publishers will be informed if they are invited to participate in the ECPS K-12 Social Studies Adoption.


    ECPS K-12 Social Studies Adoption Timeline

    Specific Dates will be added during the process.

    March 1, 2023
    Call for publisher information through EdCredible
    April 15, 2023
    Publisher submission deadline
    April and May

    Publisher and ECPS integration team meetings

    ECPS reviews submissions

    June 2023
    Publishers notified if invited to present
    July 2023
    Publisher presentations
    July and August 2023
    Committee evaluations
    September 2023

    Committees meet to choose top 2 or 3 titles for each course (open and noticed meetings on the Public Meetings Calendar

    Publishers are notified and send samples to each school

    Teacher and community input

    October 2023

    Committees meet to consider teacher and community input

    Committees meet to rank titles (open and noticed meetings on the Public Meetings Calendar)

    November 2023
    Committee decisions presented to ECPS Executive Leadership
    January 2024

    Recommendations submitted to ECPS School Board during a publicly noticed board meeting

    Publishers notified

    February 2024

    School enrollment projections

    MOUs presented to the ECPS school board

    March 2024

    Orders placed with FSBD

    Documentation updated

    Titles and barcoded added to Destiny

    April - June 2024

    Orders received 

    Training and implementation of new materials

    Expectations and Guidelines:

    Escambia County Public Schools is a closed district.  During this process, please adhere to the following guidelines: 

    Publishers or manufacturers of instructional materials who have submitted, or plan to submit within 18 months, instructional materials within a specific content area for consideration in the adoption process in the State of Florida or Escambia County Public Schools, may not:

    • Directly contact any teacher(s), including department heads, regarding their materials until after the Escambia County makes its own official district adoption. (NOTE: The adoption becomes official only after it has been voted on by The School Board of Escambia County, Florida.);

    • Host dinners, retreats or parties of any kind for any teacher(s) or administrator(s) in Escambia County Public Schools  to showcase their materials being considered for adoption, other than showcases that are required by the District and scheduled to take place on School District property with the option of refreshments being arranged through the Escambia County Schools Food Service Department, and limited to a cost of no more than $5.00 per person;

    • Offer gifts, gift certificates or other enticements (such as "freebies") to any teacher(s) or administrator(s) (or their schools) who attend an event such as is described in b. above.

    (The provisions in section 1 a., b., and c. would not prohibit teachers or administrators from participating in meetings of professional organizations where vendors may be a sponsor.)

    • All communication with schools, whether written or oral, regarding an adoption in Escambia County Public Schools must be handled through the Instructional Materials Manager, or designee.

    • Blanket sampling of schools prior to district adoption of materials is prohibited. Arrangements for distribution to schools of evaluation copies of materials recommended for teacher review and voting must be handled through the Instructional Materials Manager or designee.

    • Pilot programs of materials being considered for adoption during or outside the 18 months prior to their official adoption date of April 1st, are prohibited unless written authority is given by the Superintendent of Schools.

    • No member of the Escambia County Public Schools adoption committee may discuss matters relating to instructional materials submitted for adoption with any agent of a publisher or manufacturer of instructional materials, either directly or indirectly, except during the period when the committee shall have been called into session for the purpose of evaluating instructional materials submitted for adoption OR in a public presentation showcasing the materials as described in number 1.b. above. Such discussions shall be limited to official meetings of the committee or in a public presentation (on Escambia County Public Schools' property) showcasing the materials as described in number 1.b. above.

    No further notification will be sent to publishers; however, any agent of a publisher or manufacturer of instructional materials found in violation of these rules for the adoption process in Escambia County Public Schools may have their materials immediately disqualified from further consideration, absent extenuating circumstances