Online Claim Reporting

  • General Instructions for ALL forms: Each school and department should delegate a person in charge of completing each form type listed below, which should be similar to who previously completed forms when the forms were manual paper forms. The same would apply to the “administrator (principal or department head) or designee” that would be signing off on the final content as the final approval and submittal.

    To access the appropriate on-line claim form, click on the associated link. You will be directed to the opentext I LiquidOffice login page and the employee completing the form will use their User Name and Password that is used to access Skyward (the same as when you review your paycheck) to complete and sign-off electronically as the preparer. PLEASE NOTE: ALL FORMS ARE FOR INTERNAL INVESTIGATIVE AND/OR CLAIMS ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOSES AND COPIES SHOULD NOT BE RE-DISTRIBUTED.

    Instructions are listed to assist you in preparing and submitting each form: