Homeless Student Services

  • Homeless Student Services

    The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youth as individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. Including but not limited to:

    • Children and youth sharing housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reason


    • Children and youth living in motels, hotels, trailer parks or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative accommodations


    • Children and youth living in emergency or transitional shelters


    • Children and youth abandoned in hospitals


    • Children and youth whose primary nighttime residence is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings


    • Children and youth living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations or similar settings


    • Migratory children and youth living in any of the above situations


    The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act grants homeless students the following rights:

    • The right to access the same free and appropriate public education as provided to all other children. 


    • The right to enroll in school immediately, even if lacking enrollment documentation


    • The right to enroll in school and attend classes while gathering enrollment documents


    • The right to enroll in the school of origin (the school attended when permanently housed or the last school enrolled)


    • The right to transportation to and from the school of origin when requested


    • The right to educational services comparable to those provided to other students, according to the child’s needs


    • The right to go to school with children who are not homeless


    The Homeless Liaison is committed to serving homeless families through:

    • Assisting with school registration, records transfers, immunizations, free school meals and school bus transportation


    • Working with other entities and agencies to ensure homeless students are identified by school personnel


    • Ensuring that homeless students enroll in, and have equal opportunity to succeed in school


    • Ensuring that homeless students receive the services for which they are entitled


    • Ensuring unaccompanied youths are enrolled in school and receive support to accrue credits and access to higher education


    • Providing referrals for critical needs such as food, clothing, housing and health services


    • Informing parents of the educational rights of homeless children and youth, including attendance to the school of origin and school bus transportation


    • Facilitating the display public notice of the educational rights of homeless children


    • Mediating in school enrollment disputes


    • Ensuring school personnel providing McKinney-Vento services receive professional development and other support


    Escambia County School District
    Melissa Hyde
    Homeless Liaison Resource Teacher
    850-595-6915 ext. 8214

    Casandra Manis
    Homeless Liaison Resource Teacher
    850-595-6915 ext. 8201

    Holly Shumpert
    Homeless Liaison Resource Teacher
    850-595-6915 ext. 8226

    Megan Kozell
    Homeless School Social Worker
    850-595-6915 ext. 8213

Contact Information

  • Title I Administrative Office
    Spencer Bibbs Center
    2005 North 6th Avenue
    Pensacola, FL 32503
    Phone: 850-595-6915
    Fax: 850-595-6933

    Hours of Operation:
    Monday - Friday
    7:00 am - 4:00 pm