• Bratt Elementary

    School-Family Compact 2024-2025

    School-Family Compact Submit Your Feedback

    Every student, staff member, family and community member of Bratt Elementary is expected to treat each other with respect.  All members will work as a team to ensure each student reaches his/her full potential.  A partnership between the school and family is the key to success. Expectations are high at Bratt Elementary; therefore, students, families and teachers must work together to meet all goals.


    Each member of the faculty and staff will take an active role in each student’s education. We believe that all students can be successful if we will:

    1. Believe each child can learn

    2. Provide a safe and orderly environment conducive to learning

    3. Show respect for each student and their family

    4. Enforce school and classroom rules fairly

    5. Attend school regularly and be prepared to teach and perform duties

    6. Encourage positive communication between teachers, families, and students

    7. Encourage family participation in the education of their child

    8. Teach and practice the seven habits in support of Leader in Me  



    Each family is expected to take an active role in the education of their child.   As a parent/guardian, I will:

    1. Ensure that my child attends school daily, is on time, and dressed appropriately

    2. Communicate with my child’s teacher on a regular basis, check book bag, and sign papers

    3. Support the school in developing positive behaviors by encouraging my child to follow all of the school 

    rules during class, in special areas, and on the bus

    1. Stay involved by attending school functions, parent/teacher conferences and volunteering when possible

    2. Provide a home environment that values education and encourages my child with positive feedback as often as possible

    3. Assist with homework and reading assignments by providing the appropriate time and place for study

    4. Support my child in learning and practicing the seven habits



    Each student is expected to take an active role in their education.  I will be successful if I will:

    1. Attend school regularly and on time

    2. Show respect for myself, my school, and others

    3. Believe that I can learn and always try to do my best in work and behavior

    4. Obey the school, classroom, lunchroom, and bus rules

    5. Work cooperatively with my classmates, teachers, and others

    6. Complete homework and all assignments daily

    7. Do my best to learn and practice the seven habits