• Ensley Elementary

    School-Family Compact 2024-2025

    School-Family Compact Submit Your Feedback

    The School Family Compact is an agreement and commitment between the family and the school to help ensure the success of the student.  The parties to this compact acknowledge that we share the responsibility for improved student achievement.  The mission of Ensley Elementary School is to prepare students for the future.  In order to provide each student with the best education possible, we pledge the following: 


    • Make sure every student succeeds 

    • Provide a high quality curriculum 

    • Provide a safe and supportive learning environment 

    • Understand and respect the culture and diversity of our students

    • Respect and honor our parents and keep them informed 

    • Provide remediation, interventions, and rigorous programs 

    • Provide extended day programs 

    • No excuses, one direction, up


    • Participate in our child's education

    • Ensure good attendance 

    • Monitor homework 

    • Communicate often with the teacher 


    • Treat others with kindness and respect

    • Follow school rules and procedures 

    • Complete all assignments 

    • Ask for help when needed