• Global Learning Academy

    School-Family Compact 2024-2025

    School-Family Compact Submit Your Feedback

    The vision of Global Learning Academy is to create a school where everyone who enters is exposed to other cultures, excited to learn and free to explore in a safe and encouraging environment. 

    It is our mission to help students become successful and responsible citizens in our diverse societies. To provide each student with the best education possible, we pledge to… 



    • Provide a safe and supportive learning environment

    • Provide a high quality standards based curriculum. 

    • Respect our students and parents and keep parents informed. 

    • Ensure students are making academic progress. 

    • Provide remediation, intensive intervention and enrichment. 

    • Provide extended day programs. 


    • Ensure students are present at school every day and on time.

    • Monitor homework - Read with your child every night. 

    • Sign the “Explorer Report/Special Area” Calendar daily. 

    • Communicate often with the teacher. 

    • Attend school events - Participate in your child’s education. 

    STUDENTS: Follow the P.A.C.T. 

    • P - Practice Honesty (tell the truth the first time in every situation). 

    • A - Accept Responsibility (for academics, actions, words, attitudes, behavior). 

    • C - Choose Respect (for self, others and property). 

    • T - Think Safe (at all times in every place).