• Ferry Pass Middle

    School-Family Compact 2024-2025

    School-Family Compact Submit Your Feedback

    The parties to this compact acknowledge that we share the responsibility for improved student achievement. Each of us has an important role in promoting learning.  Being mindful of our responsibilities, we pledge the following:


    For School Employees – At Ferry Pass Middle, we believe that all students can learn and be successful. Our purpose is to create a safe environment which will enable each student to understand that learning is a lifelong process. The faculty is committed to providing rigorous academic courses to challenge students in order to prepare them so that they may excel in high school, college and the workforce.


    For Families – We realize how important we are to our child’s education. By showing interest in our child’s education, we can spark enthusiasm and lead them to an understanding that learning is well worth the effort required. We will support our child’s education by ensuring the following:

    • Attend school regularly 

    • Encourage Reading

    • Keeping contact information in FOCUS current

    • Checking homework

    • Checking the Chrome book to make sure my child is keeping it charged and using it correctly

    • Scheduling parent/teacher conferences when necessary

    • Following student progress on the Parent Portal

    • Checking Teacher and Virtual Classroom

    For Students – I will do the best I can to succeed. I will respect the rights of other people. I will work to make my school a safe and pleasant place by following school rules and showing good behavior. I will ask for help when I need it.


    Communication – Communication between a teacher and family member is paramount for a child’s success. We communicate in various avenues:

    Parent Conferences

    Call Outs

    School Website

    Positive calls from Teachers


    Parents join PTSA/SAC

    Parent Nights

    Parent Portal/FOCUS Gradebook



    Remind App. For Phone or computer