• Escambia High

    School-Family Compact 2024-2025

    School-Family Compact Submit Your Feedback

    The School Family Compact is an agreement and commitment between the family and the school to help ensure the success of  the student. Student achievement is a joint responsibility of school staff, parents, and students. All parties are instrumental concerning the academic success of students. We pledge the following: 


    SCHOOL EMPLOYEES: Escambia High school employees will ensure a safe and nurturing learning environment. Our administration, teachers, and staff will put students first by providing a high quality curriculum with effective instruction. We invite all parents to provide input concerning their child's education. We will treat all stakeholders respectfully as we enforce district and school policies. We will complete our professional responsibilities to the best of our ability, 


    FAMILIES: As the parent or guardian, I will be an active participant concerning my child's education. I will provide support for my child as I monitor their attendance, behavior, homework, and grades. I will be vigilant in monitoring my child's use of social media and its impact on social and academic success at school. I will communicate and cooperate with school staff concerning the enforcement of district and school rules and policies, particularly in the event that ISS/OSS is deemed necessary. I will always encourage and reinforce my child's efforts in all that they do as an Escambia Gator. 

    STUDENTS: As an Escambia Gator, I will assume the responsibility to perform at my highest ability showing academic growth throughout the school year.  I will commit to the highest level of academic achievement by being prepared for class, being on time, utilizing remediation and enrichment services, and coordinating my instructional goals with the Escambia High School administration, faculty, and staff.  I am committed to being respectful and following the rules and regulations of the school and contributing to a safe learning environment that promotes positive relationships while adding to the rich tradition of Escambia High School.  Finally, I am committed to graduating on time.