• EOC Exams

  • EOC (End of Course) Exams

    As of July 1, 2013, new legislation stipulates that certain students must take and pass the Algebra 1 or Algebra 1B EOC as the exit testing requirement for mathematics. In addition, certain students may have to take an EOC in Geometry and Biology. The EOC for these courses will count as 30% of a student's grade. Any student taking US History must take the US History EOC which will count as 30% of a student's grade.

    Please speak with your GSTC counselor to determine how these new requirements affect your graduation status.

    FCAT Passing Score
    FCAT SSS Reading
    FCAT SSS Mathematics
    1926 (scale score of 300) or above; prior to 2010
    1889 (scale score of 300) or above; prior to 2010
    1926 (scale score of 327) or above; 2010 and beyond
    EOC assessments Spring 2011


    Concordance Scores
    2009 - 2010

    FCAT - 1926

    SAT - 410

    ACT - 15

    FCAT - 1889

    SAT - 370

    ACT - 15

    2010 - 2011

    FCAT - 1926

    SAT - 420

    ACT - 18

    FCAT - 1889

    SAT - 340

    ACT - 15