• Ernest Ward Middle

    School-Family Compact 2024-2025

    School-Family Compact Submit Your Feedback

    The parties to this compact acknowledge that we share the responsibility for improved student achievement. Each of us has an important role in promoting learning.

    Being mindful of our responsibilities, we pledge the following:

    For School Employees- At EWMS we believe that all students can learn and be successful. We will provide a rigorous high-quality curriculum, effective and appropriate instruction, and a safe and supportive learning environment. The faculty and staff will respect and honor parents’ rights to be involved in the decisions about their child’s education and will  communicate with parents regularly through multiple mediums to ensure that parents are informed.  We will enforce our school’s rules while preserving each student’s dignity. We will abide by the highest standard of our profession and strive to be present for students on a daily basis.

    For Students- I will do the best I can to succeed by showing my B.E.S.T Eagle Pride.  I will respect the rights of others including their beliefs, property, and well-being.  I will work to make my school a safe and pleasant place by following school rules and showing good behavior. I will ask for help when I need assistance.  I will bring a charged Chromebook each day.

    For Parents and Guardians- We realize how important we are to our child’s education. By showing interest and support in our child’s learning, we can spark enthusiasm and lead them to an understanding that learning is well worth the effort required. We will support our child’s education by ensuring the following:

    • Helping them to attend school each day and being on time

    • Checking Chromebook/Focus/Canvas daily 

    • Being proactive in communicating with the school i.e. scheduling teacher conferences, inquiring about grades

    • Utilizing school-based and community resources to include following student progress on the Focus Parent Portal

    • Updating current information through the front office 

    For All Parties- Communication between a teacher and the family is paramount for a child’s success. We communicate through various avenues: Callouts, Conferences, School Website, Facebook, Calls to Parents, Email, Focus Parent Portal and Messenger, Marque, Canvas

    We have the right to expect the other parties to this compact will act responsibly, be respectful of others, and set a good example.