• Ferry Pass Elementary

    School-Family Compact 2024-2025

    School-Family Compact Submit Your Feedback

    Ferry Pass Elementary School is dedicated to nurturing to full potential the academic, physical, emotional, social, and moral development of each student. Through the cooperative efforts of home, school, and community, we strive to provide a variety of educational experiences in a secure, supportive and  enriching environment.

    As a FPE Teacher I will:

    • Teach the core curriculum with fidelity 

    • Provide an environment conducive to learning 

    • Provide meaningful and appropriate activities for learning  

    • Show respect and listen to the issues for each child and family

    • Demonstrate professional behavior 

    • Enforce school and classroom rules in a consistent manner 

    • Communicate regularly with the student and the parent/guardian 

    As a FPE Family you are encouraged to be involved in all aspects of your child’s education by:

    • Insisting on regular school attendance by your child  

    • Having your child to school on time and not checking them out before the end of the school day  

    • Working hand in hand with your child’s teacher

    • Providing a structured time at home with daily reinforcement of homework and projects

    • Reading with your child every day 

    • Providing proper health care and healthy eating habits

    • Working with the school in promoting good discipline practices

    • Advocating safety and courtesy when dropping off and picking up children

    • Setting up a FOCUS Parent Account

    As a FPE Student I will:

    • Do the best I can to succeed

    • Respect the rights of others

    • Ask for help when I need it

    • Work to make my school safe by following the rules and showing my SPOTS

    At Ferry Pass Elementary School, knowing that learning takes place where there is a combination of effort, interests, and motivation, we will: 

    • Promote regular two way communication between families, teachers, and school

    • Provide regular student progress reports 

    • Provide parent meetings and workshops