• Jim Allen Elementary

    School-Family Compact 2024-2025

    School-Family Compact Submit Your Feedback

    The School Family Compact is an agreement and commitment between the family and the school to help ensure the success of  the student.  The parties to this compact acknowledge we share the responsibility for improved student achievement.  Each of us has an important role in promoting learning. Being mindful of our responsibilities, we pledge the following:


    SCHOOL EMPLOYEES: *Provide high quality curriculum

    *Provide effective and appropriate instruction

    *Provide a safe and supportive learning environment

    *Respect and honor parents’ rights to be involved in

    decisions about their child’s education

    *Provide remediation, interventions and rigorous 

    programs to ensure success of all students

    *Abide by the highest standards of our profession

      *Communicate often with families 


    FAMILIES: *Ensure good attendance and punctuality

    *Monitor homework and student behavior

    *Communicate often with the teacher

    *Participate in your child’s education


    STUDENTS: *Treat others with kindness and respect

    *Follow school rules and procedures

    *Be proactive and take responsibility in all you do

    *Be prepared with school work and supplies