• Workman Middle

    School-Family Compact 2024-2025

    School-Family Compact Submit Your Feedback

    The parties to this compact acknowledge that each of us shares responsibility for our student's academic successes.  Being mindful of our responsibilities, we pledge the following: 


    For School EmployeesUsing best-practice teaching methods, we will provide a high-quality, student-centered education. We will create a safe and supportive learning environment that promotes tolerance and respect for diversity. We will enforce our school's discipline policies while preserving each student's dignity. We will respect and honor parents' rights to be involved in decisions about their child's education.


    For Familiesl have read Workman's Middle School literature and commit my full support to my child's participation. I will work to provide my child with uninterrupted study hours daily and supervise the productive use of his/her time. I will help to maintain a respectable learning environment by supporting the faculty and staff. I will support my child's completion of the program as we mutually enforce the school's rules. I will support the teachers by following their guidance. I will support the school by communicating regularly regarding my child's attendance.


    For StudentsI understand that Middle School is challenging, and I will work hard to improve my academics by completing all assignments on time, studying for tests, and seeking help or clarification when needed. I am aware that my participation in any act of disrespecting my teachers or classmates, fighting, plagiarism, or cheating will result in appropriate consequences.  I will always strive to be a productive student daily.


    For All Parties— I understand that Middle School is challenging and will demand the best from motivated teachers, students, and parents. We are building a strong curriculum that strives to improve students’ communication and critical thinking skills, acceptance of others' ideas, value systems, and religious beliefs, and respect for others' ideas. By signing, we have the right to expect that the other parties to this compact will strive for success, be respectful of others, and always set a good example.