• Byrneville Elementary

    School-Family Compact 2024-2025

    School-Family Compact Submit Your Feedback

    The School Family Compact is an agreement and commitment between the family and the school to help ensure the success of the student. The parties to this contract acknowledge that we share the responsibility for improved student achievement.  Each of us has an important role in promoting learning.

    Being mindful of our responsibilities, WE PLEDGE THE FOLLOWING:

    For School Employees  --  We will provide a high quality curriculum, effective and appropriate instruction, and a safe and supportive learning environment.  We will respect and honor parents’ rights to be involved in decisions about their child’s education.  We will, upon request, provide information to you regarding the professional qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals who work with your child, including certification, type of certificate and subjects, degrees and majors. We will encourage our students’ effort.  We will enforce our school’s rules while preserving each student’s dignity.  We will communicate with parents regularly.  We will abide by the highest standards of our profession.

    For Families  --  We will support our child’s learning by ensuring good attendance, monitoring homework, and communicating regularly with the school staff.  We will encourage our child’s effort.  We will help to maintain a good learning environment by supporting the faculty and staff as we mutually enforce the school’s rules.  We share in the responsibility for improving our child’s achievement. We will participate in decisions concerning our child’s education.

    For Students  --  I will do the best I can to succeed.  I will respect the rights of other people.  I will work to make my school a safe and pleasant place by following school rules and modeling good behavior.  I will ask for help when I need it.

    For All Parties  --  We have the right to expect that all other parties to this contract will act responsibly, be respectful of others, and set a good example.