Professional Learning Catalog

  • "Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning."
    -Thomas Edison 

    View the Professional Learning Catalog, that will be taken to the October 20, 2020 Regular Meeting of the School Board of Escambia County for approval. 

    Professional Learning Catalog was formerly referred to by FLDOE as the Master Inservice Plan.

    Review/Approve Components Procedure

    Schools, departments and other service providers request the New Component form from the Professional Learning  Office when needed. The appropriate inservice provider completes the form and returns it to the Professional Learning Office where the request is reviewed and, when approved, placed in the inservice system database. The Master Inservice Plan approved by the Department of Education is only updated every 5 years; therefore, outdated information may be found in the Master Inservice Plan. For up-to-date information on service components, please contact the department associated with that component.

    Annual Review/Revision of the Master Inservice Plan

    The Professional Learning Office seeks input from the service providers and reviews/revises any components or parts of the plan. During the year, as new components are written or legislative changes occur, the Professional Learning Office reviews and revises the plan.

    Needs Assessment

    An annual needs assessment survey through the School Improvement Plan is reviewed to direct the focus on service.