Professional Learning Department

  • "Teaching is not my job, it's my passion; getting better at it - that's my job."
    - Jose Popoff

PLD Event Calendar


  • Professional Development Offerings:

    Professional Development Information about Preschool Inservice, Early Release Days, and District-wide Learning Days



    Welcome to Rachel Rodriguez-Schrimsher to the Professional Learning Department: 

    Tina will serve as a Specialist for PDCP and Title II Part-A.  She will start on  Monday, July 3, 2023.


    Submit a Helpdesk Ticket using the email addresses listed below to submit questions, request assistance, or support for textbooks or TalentED:




Requests by Outside Agencies

  • Outside organizations often request that our division advertise its professional development opportunities.  However, our needs assessment and approval process do not include the ability to truly investigate and approve these outside opportunities.  Therefore, professional development opportunities offered by outside organizations, including but not limited to online degree programs and non-district sponsored programs, will not be advertised to employees by personnel within the Curriculum and Instruction Division.


Field-Based Learning Experiences

  • "The expert at anything was once a beginner."
    - Helen Hayes

    "Be the person you needed when you were younger." - Unknown

    Standard Operating Procedures: Field-based Learning Experience
    (All preservice teachers: Student Teachers, Yearlong Interns, Practicum Students, Field Experience Students)


    Directors of Elementary Education, Sabrena Cunningham and Connie Farish

    Director of Middle School Education, Michael Roberts

    Director of High School Education, Lesa Morgan

    Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Denny Wilson

    Clinical Educator Training

    ECPS Contact - Brian Alaback

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